Kewpie Caesar Dressing 210ml
Our Caesar dressing uses natural parmesan and cheddar cheese, with anchovy and garlic for a rich and flavourful taste. KEWPIE DRESSING CAESAR goes great with salads, seafood and deep fried foods. No added MSG.
රු1,990.00Kewpie Caesar Dressing 210ml
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Kewpie Mayonnaise Japanese Style 310ml
Japan’s most beloved mayonnaise since 1925. KEWPIE MAYONNAISE JAPANESE STYLE is made purely from egg yolks. It is also 100% Halal and comes in a convenient squeeze-bottle.
රු2,490.00Kewpie Mayonnaise Japanese Style 310ml
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Kewpie Roasted Sesame Dressing 210ml
Main Ingredients
SoyBean oil , Egg , Roasted Sesame and Mustard
Average Composition Per 100Ml Per Serving 15Ml Energy (kcal) 420 63 Protein (g) 2.2 0.3 Fat (g) 36.7 5.5 Carbohydrate (g) 18.9 2.8 Bring out the flavours of your food with KEWPIE DRESSING ROASTED SESAME . This nutty, creamy dressing can be used in variety of ways from salad to meat dishes or even for steamboat. No added MSG.
රු1,990.00Kewpie Roasted Sesame Dressing 210ml
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Kewpie Sandwich Spread – Cheesy Cheese 310ml
KEWPIE SANDWICH SPREAD CHEESY CHEESE adds a cheesy flavour to your sandwiches. It can even be used as dipping sauce and in baking.
රු2,490.00Kewpie Sandwich Spread – Cheesy Cheese 310ml
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Kewpie Sandwich Spread – Original 310ml
KEWPIE SANDWICH SPREAD ORIGINAL lets you create bread dishes with unique mayonnaise flavour. It’s the perfect complement to your sandwich needs.
රු2,490.00Kewpie Sandwich Spread – Original 310ml
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Kewpie Sandwich Spread – Spicy Black Pepper 310ml
Step up your sandwich game with KEWPIE SANDWICH SPREAD SPICY BLACK PEPPER. The peppery flavour goes really well with bread and as a dipping sauce.
රු2,490.00 -
Kewpie Thousand Island Dressing 210ml
KEWPIE DRESSING THOUSAND ISLAND is a versatile and savoury sauce that is almost applicable to any dish. This dressing offers the combination of sweet mango puree and aromatic herbs.
රු1,990.00Kewpie Thousand Island Dressing 210ml